At Lightpoint, our mission is to provide exceptional data and education that bring significant value to the reconstruction community. When we launched the ACM Recovery Service in 2023, we hoped to connect recons with otherwise unrecoverable data. Since then, we have searched for 1,400+ modules!

Our success rate over the course of the project was 3.5%, which aligned with our expectations, considering the nature of the endeavor. However, most of the time we had to deliver the disappointing news that the search was unsuccessful.

Moreover, only 40% of the modules we found last year were purchased, leading us to reconsider the service’s value. After careful evaluation, we’ve determined our resources would be better directed toward other opportunities that more effectively serve the community.

As such, we’ve made the difficult decision to discontinue the ACM Recovery Service. To those who successfully retrieved data, we hope it played a meaningful role in your analyses and helped to bring closure to those involved.

Looking ahead, we have many exciting projects coming this year and are eager to continue supporting you in new and innovative ways. Thank you for your trust and feedback, we look forward to sharing our next announcement!