Episode 1 - Mark Crouch: the omnipresence of video evidence and how it's designed to trick you, tools of the trade, and the future of video analysis.

Episode 2 - Eugene Liscio: the future of laser scanning, sensor fusion, full spectrum photography, & his toolkit.


Episode 3 - Rick Ruth: the evolution and future of EDRs, the industry’s global shift, and the Wild West of ADAS.


Episode 4 - Alan Moore: autonomous vehicles, ADAS, the battle between safety and distraction, getting to level 4, and advice on learning.


Episode 5 - Anthony Cornetto: the state of computer simulation, acquiring HVE, building a Blender-based super tool, and the integration of AI.


Episode 6 - Tim Cheek and Matt DiSogra: heavy vehicle data and its proliferation, the modern HVEDR toolkit, and the future of the field.


Episode 7 - Jeff Muttart: driver response, autonomous vehicles, training novices, and the evolution of recon.


Episode 8 - Jeff Suway: quantifying luminance with a camera, video analysis, & his love of retroreflective tape