Lightpoint Models vs. Rectangular "Exemplars"
While a rectangular representation of a vehicle may have been an appropriate exemplar two or three decades ago, modern vehicles are streamlined and have curved components. As a result, applying a rectangular "exemplar" will likely cause an overestimation of crush, and therefore speeds. The diagram below shows a rectangular "exemplar" placed over our 2011 Chevrolet Cruze exemplar. The gray highlights the difference in the bodyline, while the blue highlights the difference at the sill. It is clear the rectangle is not accurate, and only represents the actual dimensions of the vehicle at the central portion of the bumpers and in the area of each wheelwell.
As an example, damage to the left front of a 2013 Hyundai Sonata is shown in the diagram below. A rectangular "exemplar" and a Lightpoint exemplar are both placed over the damage. The Lightpoint exemplar shows the actual crush at the left portion of the reinforcement was 8.8 inches. However, a rectangular "exemplar" would indicate crush of 13.7 inches, which is inflated nearly four inches. This inaccuracy is unacceptable and will result in inaccurate speed calculations.