As you may know, I sat down with eight big-league experts last year to learn more about their origin stories, fields of expertise, and (in service of my WREX keynote) the future of the field. The related podcasts can be found here. Today, I’m excited to launch the finale, starring the legendary Jeff Muttart.
Like Kentucky Fried Chicken
As we all know, recon is progressively becoming more sophisticated. It’s not uncommon for an analysis to include video, EDR, HVEDR, PRT, photogrammetry, laser scanning, and simulation. That’s a lot to ask of one analyst. Here’s what Jeff had to say when asked about the evolution of the industry.
Click here to listen to the whole podcast.
In speaking with recons who attended my WREX presentation, a common takeaway was the strong advantage of embracing a team approach to modern analyses. The team doesn’t have to be completely internal, outside consultants can also do the trick. I often find myself working with experts in biomechanics, human factors, motorcycle safety, and animation. Internally, I lean on employees and consultants who've mastered tasks that I fumble around with. Ultimately, it all depends on the nature of the case and your practice, but something to ponder!
Have a great Super Bowl Sundae (excellent tune if you’re looking for a jam)!
Lou Peck
Lightpoint | Axiom