Sent on february 17, 2023
Welcome to the inaugural To the Point, a bite-sized weekly newsletter exploring a single tool, paper, method, or update in the reconstruction community! I'll be sending a short, practical email each Friday that should help you keep your finger on the pulse of the industry.
If that doesn't sound fun, but you'd still like to receive my normal updates on products, courses, and articles, please click here to opt out. On that note, we do have a few big announcements on the way that I think will blow your hair back!
For those of you still with me, let's get to the first ever point...
Tool I love and am continuing to explore
Telemetry Extractor Premium for GoPro. From their site, approximately: Convert the sensor data recorded by your GoPro (GPS, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, etc.) to lots of formats, including CSV. Visualize graphs and GPS maps of your video data in an offline app with great performance and filtering options.
The program is super simple, easy to use, and works with HERO5 and up. I've had a few cases where the rider was wearing a GoPro and we were able to pull all the sensor data to establish speed and deceleration during pre-impact braking...all tied to video. It can also be used to turn your GoPro into an all-in-one data acquisition system for skid testing, or the like. Gregory Russell has been analyzing the data intently and has been very impressed (check out a compilation video of his here). It's a great tool to have in the kit.
Thanks for reading along, enjoy the weekend!
Lou Peck
Lightpoint | Axiom
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